UK To Deport Over 10,000 Bangladeshi Asylum Seekers. But Why?

The UK government has delivered major bad news for Bangladeshi citizens seeking asylum. The UK and Bangladesh have agreed on a fast-track return agreement, under which Bangladeshi citizens whose asylum applications have been rejected will be sent back to Bangladesh.

The number of Bangladeshi citizens to be deported could be more than 10,000. This information was reported by the British news outlet "The Telegraph" in a special report on May 16. The report stated that Bangladeshi asylum seekers who failed in their applications will be immediately returned to Bangladesh under the fast-track return agreement. Essentially, Bangladeshis are among the top abusers of the UK's visa system after entering the country on British visas.

Bangladeshi Asylum Seekers in UK

"The Telegraph" reported that in the past year, nearly 11,000 Bangladeshi citizens entered the UK with visas intending to stay permanently. After entering the UK, they submitted applications for permanent asylum. The news outlet noted that since last March, immigrants have been using British visas for international students, workers in various fields, or visitors to come to the UK and then claim political asylum. These British visas were primarily used as a "back door" to enter the UK. However, only about 5% of initial political asylum applications by Bangladeshis have been successful. This means that more than 10,000 Bangladeshis will be deported from the UK to Bangladesh. In this situation, UK Minister for Illegal Immigration Michael Tomlinson has signed a fast-track return agreement with Bangladesh.

Under this fast-track return agreement, not only failed asylum seekers but also foreign nationals who are criminals or have overstayed their visas after entering the UK will have their deportations facilitated. Additionally, the return agreement allows for deporting accused individuals without mandatory interviews as there is supportive evidence for their deportation.

"The Telegraph" reported that this week in London, the first joint UK-Bangladesh working group on home affairs agreed to the fast-track return agreement. Both countries also pledged to strengthen cooperation in economic, cultural, and social matters as part of their partnership.

UK Minister for Illegal Immigration Michael Tomlinson said, "Accelerating the removal of illegal immigrants is a key part of our plan to stop illegal entry or stay in the UK. Bangladesh is a valuable international partner of the UK, and we are strengthening our relationship with them on this migration issue and other various matters."

He further added, "We have already seen clear evidence that agreements like these have a significant impact on illegal immigration. Global solutions are needed for global problems, and I look forward to working with Bangladesh and other partners to create fair arrangements for everyone."

"The Telegraph" stated that a UK visa allows people from other countries to stay in the UK for a specific period, usually just a few months. However, if someone applies for asylum or claims asylum after entering the UK, they are more likely to stay indefinitely. This is because the UK Home Office faces significant barriers, including human rights laws, when trying to deport individuals who have made such applications.

According to official documents released last month, a record 21,525 visa holders applied for asylum in the UK as of March 2023, which is a 154% increase from the previous year.

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