Youtube is the most popular video sharing website. A large amount of daily visitor comes to this site for various reasons such as advertising, social networking, making community and personal purpose. Youtube offers many great opportunities for promoting business, product and service advertisement or to get a smart traffic to a website.
Youtube has a large amount of video in their server and obviously they are worldwide. The global ranking of this website is #3. They offer almost everything for free of charge. If you are a SEO consultant, online marketer or a pro blogger you must use Youtube for getting huge amount of traffic and advertise. Now the question is how to use Youtube effectively and how to get visitors through this largest video portal? We are going to share with you some killer methods and tricks to get positive results. Let’s see the following steps to get blog traffic from the world’s largest video sharing website, Youtube!
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1. The first and major thing is upload unique and uncommon video frequently.
2. Give a small description about your video with your blog address.
3. Create and decorate your Youtube channel/ profile attractively.
4. Give your real information on your profile with your blog URL.
5. Share your uploaded video link in Facebook, twitter and other big social networks.
6. Set an easy and memorable channel username.
7. Use your blog/ website address as watermark on the video.
8. Try to upload short duration video, but it should be unique, funny, informative or interesting.
9. Leave a comment on other most viewed/ most commented videos with your own uploaded video link.
10. Give your video title with rich keywords.
11. Try to increase your channel views and subscriber.
1. Do not spam with comments.
2. Never upload someone's video, presentation, tutorial or any other copyrighted video.
3. Never upload any adult/ pornographic video.
4. Do not leave any negative comments to other videos, because no one likes negative comments. Your bad comment might be deleted. If you don't like any video just don't watch it.

Youtube has a large amount of video in their server and obviously they are worldwide. The global ranking of this website is #3. They offer almost everything for free of charge. If you are a SEO consultant, online marketer or a pro blogger you must use Youtube for getting huge amount of traffic and advertise. Now the question is how to use Youtube effectively and how to get visitors through this largest video portal? We are going to share with you some killer methods and tricks to get positive results. Let’s see the following steps to get blog traffic from the world’s largest video sharing website, Youtube!
■ READ ALSO: How To Get Blog Traffic From Facebook Fan Pages?
Things You Should Care:
1. The first and major thing is upload unique and uncommon video frequently.
2. Give a small description about your video with your blog address.
3. Create and decorate your Youtube channel/ profile attractively.
4. Give your real information on your profile with your blog URL.
5. Share your uploaded video link in Facebook, twitter and other big social networks.
6. Set an easy and memorable channel username.
7. Use your blog/ website address as watermark on the video.
8. Try to upload short duration video, but it should be unique, funny, informative or interesting.
9. Leave a comment on other most viewed/ most commented videos with your own uploaded video link.
10. Give your video title with rich keywords.
11. Try to increase your channel views and subscriber.
- SEE ALSO: How To Promote Your Blog On YouTube?
Things You Should Avoid:
1. Do not spam with comments.
2. Never upload someone's video, presentation, tutorial or any other copyrighted video.
3. Never upload any adult/ pornographic video.
4. Do not leave any negative comments to other videos, because no one likes negative comments. Your bad comment might be deleted. If you don't like any video just don't watch it.
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