There are some common questions and answers about TOEFL. Read the following subjects and know them...
Q: Who administers the TOEFL?
A: The TOEFL is written and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, New Jersey.
Q: Is there a difference between the institutional and the Friday and Saturday administrations of TOEFL?
A: They are same in difficulty and subject matter tested. The uses of the institutional administration are quite limited.
Q: Can I take the TOEFL more than once?
A: Yes. Previous scores will be reported, but most schools consider only the most recent score. Many students take TOEFL more than once.
Q: What materials may I bring to the TOEFL?
A: Bring your admission ticket or official authorization, your official identification document, a complete photo file record with a recent photo attached. Also bring three or four sharpened medium soft (Number 2 or HB) black lead pencils, a good clean eraser, and a watch (alarms are not allowed)
Q: What materials may I not bring?
A: You may not bring any paper, food, calculators, dictionary, any other books, tape recorder or camera.
Q: If necessary, may I cancel my score?
A: Yes. You may cancel your score on the day of the test by completing the score cancellation section of your TOEFL answer sheet, or you can contact ETS by any of the methods mentioned in the bulletin, but in any event, you must follow up any contact to cancel scores with a written, signed request to TOEFL/TSE score cancellations, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151, USA.
Q: Should I guess on the TOEFL?
A: Yes. There is no penalty on TOEFL for incorrect answers, so do not leave any spaces blank on your answer sheet. Of course, it is best to eliminate the answers that you are sure not correct, and then choose among the remaining answers. Some educators suggest that if you have slightly improved your score by choosing one letter and falling in the spaces with that answer rather than randomly choosing answers.
Q: How should I prepare for the TOEFL?
A: You should study all the material of TOEFL preparation guide, and complete all the exercises and practice tests. Also, be sure that you know the directions for each section and know the format of the test. Be sure to consult the TOEFL bulletin in case of changes in format.
Q: When is the TOEFL administered?
A: The TOEFL is administered every month in some areas. Consult the TOEFL bulletin for the administration dates of areas near you.
Q: Is TOEFL administered only in the United States (USA)?
A: No. TOEFL is administered in many countries. You can receive information on foreign locations by writing to the TOEFL office and asking for the Overseas Edition of the TOEFL bulletin.
Q: How and when should I register for TOEFL?
A: Most schools with foreign students have copies of the TOEFL bulletin and application form. If your school does not, write to the TOEFL office and request the application form. Remember to register as early as possible before the deadline date in the bulletin. There are a limited number of seats in the testing center. When you fill out the application form, be sure you make a note of your registration number (Printed in red at the top right of the application form.) You will need this number if you need to contact the TOEFL office about your registration.
Q: Should I order the TOEFL Sample Test or Test Preparation Kit listed in the bulletin of information?
A: Yes. For additional practice after you have finished using a TOEFL preparation guide, it would be a very good idea to order and use these items.
Q: Is walk in registration provided?
A: No. You must register in advance.
Q: Once I have received my confirmation ticket, may I change the date?
A: Changes in test dates are not allowed. If you decide to take the test on a day other than the one that you originally applied for, you must submit a new application with the total fees. You may then request a partial for the original amount within sixty days of the original test date.
Q: Can I change the test center once my application has been confirmed?
A: Test center changes are no longer permitted. If you cannot attend the test center you are scheduled for on the date of your test, you may go to another center on that date. If space and test materials are available, you may be permitted to take this test.
Q: Can I receive a refund if I do not take this test?
A: If you did not enter the test center and did not take the test, you are eligible for a partial refund. Consult the TOEFL bulletin for details.
Q: If I finish a section before time is called, can I go to another section?
A: No. During the time allotted for a given section, you must work only on questions in that section. If you are found working on another section your score may be canceled.
Q: What should I do if I misplace answers on my answer sheet?
A: To avoid this problem you should check your answer sheet every ten questions to be sure that if you have skipped a question in the test booklet, you have also skipped it on the answer sheet. If you find that you have misplaced a number of answers, don’t erase them. Simply raise your hand and ask of another answer sheet to finish the test beginning in the place that you realized the mistake. After the examination, a proctor will assist you in correcting your answer sheet.
Q: Can I erase an answer that feel is wrong?
A: Yes. But it is very important to erase mistakes completely. Before you go to the test, but sure that they will not smudge the paper. If there are two marks for one question for answer sheet, even if you have tried to erase the incorrect one, he question will not be counted.
Q: How should I make my answer sheet?
A: Be sure to fill in the answer spaces correctly and completely and to fill in only one answer for the each question.

Q: How can I contact educational testing serving?
A: General Information: TOEFL/ TSE Service
P.O. Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA
To Obtain Bulletins: TOEFL/ TSE Publications
P.O. Box 6152
Princeton, NJ 08541-6154 USA
To Register: TOEFL/ TSE Registration Office
P. O. Box 6152
Princeton, NJ 08541-6152 USA
Telephone Number: (609) 771-7100 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Fax Phone Number: (609) 771-7681
Q: Who administers the TOEFL?
A: The TOEFL is written and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) of Princeton, New Jersey.
Q: Is there a difference between the institutional and the Friday and Saturday administrations of TOEFL?
A: They are same in difficulty and subject matter tested. The uses of the institutional administration are quite limited.
Q: Can I take the TOEFL more than once?
A: Yes. Previous scores will be reported, but most schools consider only the most recent score. Many students take TOEFL more than once.
Q: What materials may I bring to the TOEFL?
A: Bring your admission ticket or official authorization, your official identification document, a complete photo file record with a recent photo attached. Also bring three or four sharpened medium soft (Number 2 or HB) black lead pencils, a good clean eraser, and a watch (alarms are not allowed)
Q: What materials may I not bring?
A: You may not bring any paper, food, calculators, dictionary, any other books, tape recorder or camera.
Q: If necessary, may I cancel my score?
A: Yes. You may cancel your score on the day of the test by completing the score cancellation section of your TOEFL answer sheet, or you can contact ETS by any of the methods mentioned in the bulletin, but in any event, you must follow up any contact to cancel scores with a written, signed request to TOEFL/TSE score cancellations, P.O. Box 6151, Princeton, NJ 08541-6151, USA.

Q: Should I guess on the TOEFL?
A: Yes. There is no penalty on TOEFL for incorrect answers, so do not leave any spaces blank on your answer sheet. Of course, it is best to eliminate the answers that you are sure not correct, and then choose among the remaining answers. Some educators suggest that if you have slightly improved your score by choosing one letter and falling in the spaces with that answer rather than randomly choosing answers.
Q: How should I prepare for the TOEFL?
A: You should study all the material of TOEFL preparation guide, and complete all the exercises and practice tests. Also, be sure that you know the directions for each section and know the format of the test. Be sure to consult the TOEFL bulletin in case of changes in format.
Q: When is the TOEFL administered?
A: The TOEFL is administered every month in some areas. Consult the TOEFL bulletin for the administration dates of areas near you.
Q: Is TOEFL administered only in the United States (USA)?
A: No. TOEFL is administered in many countries. You can receive information on foreign locations by writing to the TOEFL office and asking for the Overseas Edition of the TOEFL bulletin.
Q: How and when should I register for TOEFL?
A: Most schools with foreign students have copies of the TOEFL bulletin and application form. If your school does not, write to the TOEFL office and request the application form. Remember to register as early as possible before the deadline date in the bulletin. There are a limited number of seats in the testing center. When you fill out the application form, be sure you make a note of your registration number (Printed in red at the top right of the application form.) You will need this number if you need to contact the TOEFL office about your registration.
Q: Should I order the TOEFL Sample Test or Test Preparation Kit listed in the bulletin of information?
A: Yes. For additional practice after you have finished using a TOEFL preparation guide, it would be a very good idea to order and use these items.
Q: Is walk in registration provided?
A: No. You must register in advance.
Q: Once I have received my confirmation ticket, may I change the date?
A: Changes in test dates are not allowed. If you decide to take the test on a day other than the one that you originally applied for, you must submit a new application with the total fees. You may then request a partial for the original amount within sixty days of the original test date.
Q: Can I change the test center once my application has been confirmed?
A: Test center changes are no longer permitted. If you cannot attend the test center you are scheduled for on the date of your test, you may go to another center on that date. If space and test materials are available, you may be permitted to take this test.
Q: Can I receive a refund if I do not take this test?
A: If you did not enter the test center and did not take the test, you are eligible for a partial refund. Consult the TOEFL bulletin for details.

Q: If I finish a section before time is called, can I go to another section?
A: No. During the time allotted for a given section, you must work only on questions in that section. If you are found working on another section your score may be canceled.
Q: What should I do if I misplace answers on my answer sheet?
A: To avoid this problem you should check your answer sheet every ten questions to be sure that if you have skipped a question in the test booklet, you have also skipped it on the answer sheet. If you find that you have misplaced a number of answers, don’t erase them. Simply raise your hand and ask of another answer sheet to finish the test beginning in the place that you realized the mistake. After the examination, a proctor will assist you in correcting your answer sheet.
Q: Can I erase an answer that feel is wrong?
A: Yes. But it is very important to erase mistakes completely. Before you go to the test, but sure that they will not smudge the paper. If there are two marks for one question for answer sheet, even if you have tried to erase the incorrect one, he question will not be counted.
Q: How should I make my answer sheet?
A: Be sure to fill in the answer spaces correctly and completely and to fill in only one answer for the each question.

Q: How can I contact educational testing serving?
A: General Information: TOEFL/ TSE Service
P.O. Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151 USA
To Obtain Bulletins: TOEFL/ TSE Publications
P.O. Box 6152
Princeton, NJ 08541-6154 USA
To Register: TOEFL/ TSE Registration Office
P. O. Box 6152
Princeton, NJ 08541-6152 USA
Telephone Number: (609) 771-7100 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Fax Phone Number: (609) 771-7681
thanks for providing this information really it is helpful
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This is important to remember while you are browsing IELTS or TOEFL preparation course, if you are planning on applying for citizenship or collage and intend to use your results as an entry requirement.
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