Happy Eid-Ul-Adha Mubarak 2023 From ShineMat.com
Qurbani is a significant act of worship in Islam, aimed at attaining the satisfaction of the Almighty Allah and practicing self-sacrifice.
The rite is performed at Eid al-Adha, precisely from dusk on Dhul-Hijjah 10, till dusk on Dhul-Hijjah 12, inclusive.
Qurbani involves sacrificing designated, livestock animals in accordance with the prescribed guidelines. According to Shariah, Qurbani is obligatory for every capable individual. Even though it is mandatory for those who are capable to offer Qurbani for the pleasure of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) expressed strictness regarding those who do not fulfill this obligation.
The following Hadith has been said:
Whoever has the financial means to offer Qurbani but does not do so, let him not approach our prayer area for the Eid." (Ibn Majah 3123)

However, in order for Qurbani to be valid, it is crucial to select the appropriate animal. Following the guidance of the Hadith, it is necessary for everyone to purchase animals that are free from defects and imperfections. This is because Qurbani animals must possess specific qualities and reach a certain age, as prescribed by Islamic Shariah. Otherwise, the Qurbani will not be considered valid.
Important Rules of Buying a Sacrificial (Qurbani) Animal
1. Age of the Animal
In accordance with the Shariah principles, it is allowed to carry out Qurbani (sacrifice) using domesticated animals such as camels, cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, and rams. Sacrificing with any other animal is not valid. It is not permissible to perform Qurbani with birds of any kind. (Hidayah 4/432)The term used in the Quran for these domesticated animals is "bahimatul-an'am" (بَÙ‡ِÙŠْÙ…َØ©ِ الْØ£َÙ†ْعَامِ).
Perfectly thrice in the Quran Sharif in Surah Al-Ma'idah, verses 1, and Surah Al-Hajj, verses 28 and 34. These above phrases are mentioned.
For Qurbani, the animal must be of mature age. This means that if the animal has not reached the specified age, Qurbani cannot be fulfilled.
1. The minimum age limit for camels is five years old.
2. At least two years of age are required for cows and buffalo.
3. As for goats, sheep, and rams, they must have completed one year. If the age falls short by even a day, it will not be valid. (Kifayatul Mufti 8/189)
To conduct Qurbani with a goat or sheep, however, you must be at least six months old and the animal must appear to be at least a year old, according to the Fatwa books.
2. Sound Eyes and Ears
According to the instructions of Shariah, the animal to be sacrificed must have sound eyes, ears, and limbs. For example, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) prohibited us from sacrificing animals with one eye, blindness, or severed ears. (Nasai 4372)In the books of the fatwa, it is mentioned that if the ears or limbs of the animal are cut more than half or more than half of either ear is added together, then the Qurbani will not be considered valid. Even if the added portions of both ears exceed half of one ear or more, it is better not to sacrifice that animal. If sacrificed, the Qurbani will still be fulfilled. (Ahkame Qurbani, page 16)
3. Being Free from Defects
In addition to being ritually pure for sacrificial purposes, it is necessary for animals to be free from any physical defects. This is so that we may perform sacrifice using animals that are healthy and devoid of flaws, as commanded by the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).A Hadith about Qurbani is: "There are four types of animals that are not permissible for sacrifice during Eid al-Adha:
1. The blind animal whose blindness is apparent.
2. The sick animal whose sickness is apparent.
3. The lame animal whose lameness is apparent.
4. The emaciated animal will not recover.
(It is Indicated in Hadith Abu Dawood 2802)
4. Presence of Teeth and Horns
If an animal has a sufficient number of teeth to eat grass, then it is considered valid for sacrifice. However, if it cannot eat grass due to a lack of teeth, then it is not valid for sacrifice. Whether the animal has more or fewer teeth does not matter." (Ahsanul Fatawa 7/514-515)However, if any animal's horn is broken from its base, then it is not considered valid for sacrifice.
Ya'yad al-Misri (may Allah have compassion on him) said: "The Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) prohibited the sacrifice of animals that are docked, hornless, blind, weak, or have broken legs." (Abu Dawood 2803 is mentioned.)
Furthermore, if a goat's tongue is cut to the extent that it causes difficulty in eating grass or similar food, then offering sacrifice with such a goat is not valid. (Fatwa Alamgiri 5/298)
5. Insane Animals
Sacrificing insane animals is permissible. However, if an animal is unable to go to the field and feed on grass and similar vegetation, then its sacrifice will not be considered valid. (Fatwa Alamgiri 5/298)6. Pregnant Animals
Sacrificing pregnant animals is valid. However, if labor starts during the time of sacrifice, it is disliked to sacrifice the pregnant animal. Additionally, if the newborn is found alive after the sacrifice, it must also be sacrificed, and consuming its meat is considered valid. (Islam e Qurbani o Aqiqar Bidhan, page 75)From the above descriptions, it is evident that animals should be free from defects for the purpose of sacrifice, and everyone should be diligent in ensuring this. This is because, through sacrifice, only obedience and takwah (piety) reach Allah, nothing else.
Allah says: "It is not their flesh or blood that reaches Me; it is your piety that approaches Me." (Verse 37 of Sura Al-Hajj)
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