Recently published by Times Higher Education, the ranking for the various universities around the world in 2024 does not include any university from Bangladesh among the top 800. In this ranking list, there are 24 universities from India and 8 from Pakistan in South Asia.

In the recently published list, Bangladesh has a total of 9 universities. Among them, only 4 universities from Bangladesh are ranked between 801 and 1000.
These are:
Ranked between 1001 and 1200 are:
Additionally, Ranked between 1201 and 1500 are:
In last year's Times Higher Education ranking, Dhaka University and North South University were ranked between 601 and 800.
In this year's ranking, Oxford University is at the TOP, followed by Stanford University in second place, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in third place.
The position of the Indian Institute of Science is in the 201-250 range on the list. Other top universities in India include Jamia Millia Islamia, Mahatma Gandhi University, Alagappa University, Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, and the Indian Institute of Technology.

In the recently published list, Bangladesh has a total of 9 universities. Among them, only 4 universities from Bangladesh are ranked between 801 and 1000.
These are:
- Brac University
- Dhaka University
- Jahangirnagar University, and
- North South University
Ranked between 1001 and 1200 are:
- Bangladesh Agricultural University
- Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), and
- Rajshahi University
Additionally, Ranked between 1201 and 1500 are:
- Khulna University, and
- Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
In last year's Times Higher Education ranking, Dhaka University and North South University were ranked between 601 and 800.
In this year's ranking, Oxford University is at the TOP, followed by Stanford University in second place, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in third place.
The position of the Indian Institute of Science is in the 201-250 range on the list. Other top universities in India include Jamia Millia Islamia, Mahatma Gandhi University, Alagappa University, Aligarh Muslim University, Banaras Hindu University, and the Indian Institute of Technology.
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