Today I am going to share a table of contents blogger plugin which update automatically with your published blog posts.
Lets have a short look the features of this TOC plugin:
▪ This plugin's script uses your posts feed to show your posts links with title in table of contents.
▪ This also uses your post labels to show your posts according as your label group basis.
▪ Your post lists will be decorating as alphabetic basis.
▪ This TOC plugin will marks your newly published posts with a short alert text just right side of the post.
▪ The more interesting matter is, all of these features will be occurring automatically.
▪ No need to update/ review after once setup.
Learn More: Why A Table of Contents List Is Important?

Before adding this plugin on my blog, I was adding all posts links manually in my table of contents post. But now, it really helps me a lot to save my times. The original script created by “Abu Farhan” and it contains only text version design, so I have customized this mind blowing script with CSS codes to look more beautiful and to match with your blog theme.
Now lets make it works on your blog:
1. Sign in to your blogger account.
2. Click on your blog title.
3. Click Template from left side menu.
4. Backup your full template before any change.
5. Click Edit HTML.
6. Click on code box and press Ctrl+F to search.
7. Search for ]]></b:skin>
8. Now add the following CSS code just above/ before it.
9. Now click Save Template
1. Create a new post or page and give a relevant title. (i.e. Sitemap, Table of Contents)
2. Now switch to HTML mode and paste the following JavaScript codes in your post box.
3. Now, replace with your blog address. (Don't switch to compose mode)
4. Finally, click Publish button to complete.
5. View your new post to see this amazing table of contents.
Customization area:
If you want to change the colors simply change as following:
● To change the color of Normal mode simply change #431701
● To change the color of Normal Hover mode simply change #642302
● To change the color of Active mode simply change #1E1E1F
● To change the color of Active Hover mode simply change #373738
That's all. I hope this will help your readers to find any specific post(s) in your blog just within a few seconds. If anything is unclear or need any help please ask me. I am here with you and waiting to hear your voice.
Have a nice day buddies !
Lets have a short look the features of this TOC plugin:
▪ This plugin's script uses your posts feed to show your posts links with title in table of contents.
▪ This also uses your post labels to show your posts according as your label group basis.
▪ Your post lists will be decorating as alphabetic basis.
▪ This TOC plugin will marks your newly published posts with a short alert text just right side of the post.
▪ The more interesting matter is, all of these features will be occurring automatically.
▪ No need to update/ review after once setup.
Learn More: Why A Table of Contents List Is Important?

Before adding this plugin on my blog, I was adding all posts links manually in my table of contents post. But now, it really helps me a lot to save my times. The original script created by “Abu Farhan” and it contains only text version design, so I have customized this mind blowing script with CSS codes to look more beautiful and to match with your blog theme.
Now lets make it works on your blog:
Part - 1
1. Sign in to your blogger account.
2. Click on your blog title.
3. Click Template from left side menu.
4. Backup your full template before any change.
5. Click Edit HTML.
6. Click on code box and press Ctrl+F to search.
7. Search for ]]></b:skin>
8. Now add the following CSS code just above/ before it.
/* TOC CSS code start */ .judul-label{ background: #431701 url("") no-repeat scroll 2px 6px; border: 2px solid #0C0101 !important; padding: 3px 3px 3px 38px; margin-bottom:6px; font-weight:bold; line-height:1.6em; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; vertical-align: baseline; /**/ margin: 0 0 5px; outline: none; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none; font-family:"Arial",sans-serif; font-size:15px; color: #EEF1EE; text-shadow: 3px 2px 2px #000000; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; -moz-border-radius: 8px; border-radius: 8px; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0px 2px #3F3C3C; -moz-box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #3F3C3C; box-shadow: 0 0px 0px #000000; } .judul-label:hover{ background: #642302 url("") no-repeat scroll 2px -38px; } .headactive{ background: #1E1E1F url("") no-repeat scroll 2px -81px; } .headactive:hover{ background: #373738 url("") no-repeat scroll 2px -125px; } .data-list{ line-height:1.6em; margin-left:2px; margin-right:2px; padding-left:2px; padding-right:2px; font-family:"Arial",sans-serif; font-size:12px; text-align:left; } .list-ganjil{ background-color:#ffffff; } .list-ganjil a{ color:#000408; text-decoration:none; } .list-ganjil a:hover{ text-decoration:underline; } .list-genap a{ color:#000408; text-decoration:none; } .list-genap a:hover{ text-decoration:underline; } /* TOC CSS code end */
9. Now click Save Template
Part - 2
1. Create a new post or page and give a relevant title. (i.e. Sitemap, Table of Contents)
2. Now switch to HTML mode and paste the following JavaScript codes in your post box.
<script type="text/javascript">
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('5(2b 2c==\'2d\'){V={};V.s=c.2e(\'2f\');V.s.1F=\'1a://1G.2g.1b/1G/2h/1H/1.3.2/1H.2i.2j\';c.2k(\'2l\')[0].2m(V.s)}4 6=E F();4 o=E F();4 r=E F();4 h=E F();4 e=E F();4 u=E F();4 9="G";4 1c=1I;4 2n=2o;4 v=\'\';4 1d=0;m 2p(W){m 1J(){5("b"1K W.1e){4 1f=W.1e.b.p;1d=1f;w=0;A(4 i=0;i<1f;i++){4 b=W.1e.b[i];4 1L=b.X.$t;4 1M=b.2q.$t.1N(0,10);4 1g;A(4 k=0;k<b.H.p;k++){5(b.H[k].1O==\'2r\'){1g=b.H[k].q;Y}}4 1h=\'\';A(4 k=0;k<b.H.p;k++){5(b.H[k].1O==\'2s\'){1h=b.H[k].q;Y}}4 I=\'\';5("1i"1K b){A(4 k=0;k<b.1i.p;k++){I=b.1i[k].2t;4 l=I.1P(\';\');5(l!=-1){I=I.1N(0,l)}e[w]=I;6[w]=1L;h[w]=1M;o[w]=1g;r[w]=1h;5(i<10){u[w]=1j}C{u[w]=1I};w=w+1}}}}}1J();9="G";P(9);1k();1c=1j;1Q();c.n(\'</D><a q="1a://2u.2v-2w.1b" 1R="2x-2y: 2z; 2A-2B:2C; 1S: #2D;">2E 2F 2G 2H</a>\')}m 2I(Q){1T(0,0);v=Q;J(v)}m 1U(){1k();v=\'\';J(v)}m P(9){m K(x,y){4 7=6[x];6[x]=6[y];6[y]=7;4 7=h[x];h[x]=h[y];h[y]=7;4 7=o[x];o[x]=o[y];o[y]=7;4 7=e[x];e[x]=e[y];e[y]=7;4 7=r[x];r[x]=r[y];r[y]=7;4 7=u[x];u[x]=u[y];u[y]=7}A(4 i=0;i<6.p-1;i++){A(4 j=i+1;j<6.p;j++){5(9=="G"){5(6[i]>6[j]){K(i,j)}}5(9=="1l"){5(6[i]<6[j]){K(i,j)}}5(9=="1m"){5(h[i]>h[j]){K(i,j)}}5(9=="Z"){5(h[i]<h[j]){K(i,j)}}5(9=="1V"){5(e[i]>e[j]){K(i,j)}}}}}m 1k(){9="1V";P(9);4 j=0;4 i=0;11(i<6.p){R=e[i];12=j;1W{j=j+1}11(e[j]==R);i=j;1n(12,j);5(i>6.p)Y}}m 1n(1X,1o){m 1Y(x,y){4 7=6[x];6[x]=6[y];6[y]=7;4 7=h[x];h[x]=h[y];h[y]=7;4 7=o[x];o[x]=o[y];o[y]=7;4 7=e[x];e[x]=e[y];e[y]=7;4 7=r[x];r[x]=r[y];r[y]=7;4 7=u[x];u[x]=u[y];u[y]=7}A(4 i=1X;i<1o-1;i++){A(4 j=i+1;j<1o;j++){5(6[i]>6[j]){1Y(i,j)}}}}m J(Q){4 S=0;4 d=\'\';4 1Z=\'2J 1p\';4 L=\'1q 1r 2K 2L 1s\';4 20=\'2M\';4 M=\'1q 1r 2N 2O 2P\';4 21=\'2Q\';4 1t=\'\';5(9=="G"){L+=\' (2R)\';M+=\' (1u 13)\'}5(9=="1l"){L+=\' (1v)\';M+=\' (1u 13)\'}5(9=="1m"){L+=\' (1v)\';M+=\' (1u 13)\'}5(9=="Z"){L+=\' (1v)\';M+=\' (2S 13)\'}5(v!=\'\'){1t=\'1q 1r 2T 2U\'}d+=\'<22>\';d+=\'<N>\';d+=\'<8 f="g-14-1w">\';d+=\'<a q="1x:23();" X="\'+L+\'">\'+1Z+\'</a>\';d+=\'</8>\';d+=\'<8 f="g-14-1y">\';d+=\'<a q="1x:24();" X="\'+M+\'">\'+20+\'</a>\';d+=\'</8>\';d+=\'<8 f="g-14-1z">\';d+=\'<a q="1x:1U();" X="\'+1t+\'">\'+21+\'</a>\';d+=\'</8>\';d+=\'<8 f="g-14-1A">\';d+=\'15 2V\';d+=\'</8>\';d+=\'</N>\';A(4 i=0;i<6.p;i++){5(Q==\'\'){d+=\'<N><8 f="g-b-1w"><a q="\'+o[i]+\'">\'+6[i]+\'</a></8><8 f="g-b-1y">\'+h[i]+\'</8><8 f="g-b-1z">\'+e[i]+\'</8><8 f="g-b-1A">\'+\'<a q="\'+r[i]+\'">\'+\'15\'+\'</a>\'+\'</8></N>\';S++}C{z=e[i].1P(Q);5(z!=-1){d+=\'<N><8 f="g-b-1w"><a q="\'+o[i]+\'">\'+6[i]+\'</a></8><8 f="g-b-1y">\'+h[i]+\'</8><8 f="g-b-1z">\'+e[i]+\'</8><8 f="g-b-1A">\'+\'<a q="\'+r[i]+\'">\'+\'15\'+\'</a>\'+\'</8></N>\';S++}}}d+=\'</22>\';5(S==6.p){4 16=\'<O f="g-25">1B 2W \'+6.p+\' 1p<D/></O>\'}C{4 16=\'<O f="g-25">1B \'+S+\' 2X 2Y 2Z \\\'\';16+=v+\'\\\' 30 \'+6.p+\' 31 1p<D/></O>\'}4 17=c.18("g");17.1C=16+d}m 1Q(){4 j=0;4 i=0;c.n(\'<B 32="33-34">\');11(i<6.p){R=e[i];c.n(\'<B f="35">\');c.n(\'<B f="1s-36">\'+R+\'</B>\');c.n(\'<B f="1s-T"><26>\');12=j;4 19=\'1D\';1W{5(19==\'1D\'){c.n(\'<1E f="27-T T-37">\');19=\'38\'}C{c.n(\'<1E f="27-T T-39">\');19=\'1D\'}c.n(\'<a q="\'+o[j]+\'">\'+6[j]+\'</a>\');5(u[j]==1j){c.n(\' - <28><29><O 1R="1S: 3a(3b, 0, 0);">3c *</O> </29></28>\')};c.n(\'</1E>\');j=j+1}11(e[j]==R);i=j;c.n(\'</26></B></B>\');1n(12,j);5(i>6.p)Y}c.n(\'</B>\')}m 23(){5(9=="G"){9="1l"}C{9="G"}P(9);J(v)}m 24(){5(9=="Z"){9="1m"}C{9="Z"}P(9);J(v)}m 2a(){5(1c){J(v);4 U=c.18("U")}C{3d("3e 3f... 3g 3h 3i")}}m 3j(){4 17=c.18("g");17.1C=\'\';4 U=c.18("U");U.1C=\'<a q="#" 3k="1T(0,0); 2a(); 3l.3m(\'+"\'g-3n\',\'3o\');"+\'">¡Ã 1B 3p 3q</a> <3r 1F="1a://3s.3t.1b/3u.3v"/>\'}m 3w(){A(4 i=0;i<1d;i++){c.n(\'<D>\');c.n(\'3x 3y : \'+\'<a q="\'+o[i]+\'">\'+6[i]+\'</a>\'+\'<D>\');c.n(\'15 3z : \'+\'<a q="\'+r[i]+\'">\'+6[i]+\'</a>\'+\'<D>\');c.n(\'<D>\')}}',62,222,'||||var|if|postTitle|temp|td|sortBy||entry|document|tocTable|postLabels|class|toc|postDate|||||function|write|postUrl|length|href|postMp3|||postBaru|postFilter|ii||||for|div|else|br|new|Array|titleasc|link|pll|displayToc|swapPosts|tocTool1|tocTool2|tr|span|sortPosts|filter|temp1|numDisplayed|list|toclink|cekjq|json|title|break|datenewest||while|firsti|first|header|Download|tocNote|tocdiv|getElementById|tempposition|http|com|tocLoaded|numberfeed|feed|numEntries|posturl|postmp3|category|true|sortlabel|titledesc|dateoldest|sortPosts2|lastvar|Artikel|Klik|untuk|judul|tocTool3|newest|ascending|col1|javascript|col2|col3|col4|Menampilkan|innerHTML|odd|li|src|ajax|jquery|false|getPostData|in|posttitle|postdate|substring|rel|lastIndexOf|displayToc2|style|color|scroll|allPosts|orderlabel|do|firstvar|swapPosts2|tocHead1|tocHead2|tocHead3|table|toggleTitleSort|toggleDateSort|note|ol|data|strong|em|showToc|typeof|jQuery|undefined|createElement|script|googleapis|libs|min|js|getElementsByTagName|head|appendChild|numChars|250|loadtoc|published|alternate|enclosure|term|www|abu|farhan|font|size|0px|text|decoration|none|616469|Widget|by|Abu|Farhan|filterPosts|Judul|sortir|berdasarkan|Tanggal|Sortir|bedasarkan|tanggal|Kategori|descending|oldest|menampilkan|semua|MP3|Semua|artikel|dengan|kategori|dari|Total|id|daftar|isi|sublabel|label|ganjil|even|genap|rgb|255|New|alert|Just|wait|TOC|is|loading|hideToc|onclick|Effect|toggle|result|blind|Daftar|Isi|img|radiorodja|googlepages|new_1|gif|looptemp2|Post|Link|mp3'.split('|'),0,{}))/*script customized|*/
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var accToc=true;
<script type="text/javascript">
/*script created|*/eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('f $0=n.o();b g(){$0("#2-3 .1-5").p();$0("#2-3 .1-7").q("r","s");$0("#2-3 .1-5:h").t();$0("#2-3 .1-7:h").i("6");$0("#2-3 .1-7").u(b(){c(v){f a=$0(4).d();c((a.8(".1-5"))&&(a.8(":e"))){$0(4).d().j("9");$0(4).k("6");l m}c((a.8(".1-5"))&&(!a.8(":e"))){$0("#2-3 .1-5:e").w("9");$0("#2-3 .1-7").x("6");a.y("9");$0(4).i("6");l m}}z{$0(4).d().j("9");$0(4).k("6")}})}$0(A).B(b(){g()})',38,38,'jxToc|judul|daftar|isi|this|list|headactive|label|is|normal||function|if|next|visible|var|initAccToc|first|addClass|slideToggle|toggleClass|return|false|jQuery|noConflict|hide|css|cursor|pointer|show|click|accToc|slideUp|removeClass|slideDown|else|document|ready'.split('|'),0,{}))
3. Now, replace with your blog address. (Don't switch to compose mode)
4. Finally, click Publish button to complete.
5. View your new post to see this amazing table of contents.
- How To Display Author Profile Picture In Google Search Results?
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Customization area:
If you want to change the colors simply change as following:
● To change the color of Normal mode simply change #431701
● To change the color of Normal Hover mode simply change #642302
● To change the color of Active mode simply change #1E1E1F
● To change the color of Active Hover mode simply change #373738
That's all. I hope this will help your readers to find any specific post(s) in your blog just within a few seconds. If anything is unclear or need any help please ask me. I am here with you and waiting to hear your voice.
Have a nice day buddies !
@anottoz I have personally tested this codes on my blog and my test blog also.
How can you say this is fake? I think, you are not going on correct way to setup. Please tell me what is your problem? I will try to solve you.
@iliyas shaikh I'm very glad to serve you brother. Thanks your valuable comment.
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