Deal With Travel Sickness & Vomiting In Children: Tips For Enjoyable Travel

The chilly month of December has arrived, marking the end of the annual exams for children. So, it's the perfect time for a family outing. However, when it comes to going on a trip, children often face various problems, and motion sickness is one of them. Many families have experienced the joy of a thrilling journey together, but sometimes, children say, "Mom, I don't feel well!" Some children cannot tolerate travel and vomit as soon as they get into the car.

Some complain of stomach discomfort, while others feel dizzy. This type of problem is called "Motion Sickness" When someone, especially children, becomes unwell during a trip, the joy of the journey turns into discomfort.

How to Prevent and Treat Car Sickness in Kids - HD Image

Why Does Motion Sickness Occur In Vehicles?

Motion Sickness, or "Motion Sickness," occurs in various modes of transportation such as buses, cars, trains, steamers, and launches. Within a short period of traveling, the head may spin, nausea may occur, or vomiting may happen. This problem can be seen at any age, but it is not common in children under two years old. On the other hand, those aged 3-12 are most prone to this problem.

Usually, when a vehicle starts moving, disturbances begin in the endolymph, a liquid substance in the inner ear. From there, signals of motion are sent to the brain. However, in a moving vehicle, a child's visual perception stays within the car, signaling stability. As a result, conflicting and confusing signals are created between the brain, eyes, and inner ear, leading to a sense of disorientation. This confusion causes motion sickness, and if there is confined or vaporized air inside the vehicle, the problem may worsen.

Symptoms of Vomiting In Vehicles

"Motion Sickness" begins with a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, accompanied by occasional yawning, making the child weak and nauseous, leading to vomiting. Sometimes, children cannot describe exactly how they feel. They may become restless, rub their eyes, and then vomit.

What To Do If a Child Feels Like Vomiting in a Vehicle?

There is no reason to cancel travel plans due to the fear of motion sickness. Generally, if the car stops moving, the feeling of nausea will not persist.

To alleviate this problem, the following measures can be taken:

1. Take breaks on long journeys to provide rest intervals.

2. Give the child light food at the beginning of the journey. Heavy meals can fill the stomach and lead to vomiting or an empty stomach, both of which can worsen motion sickness.

3. Engage the child in conversation or play to divert attention from the discomfort of motion sickness.

4. Show the child the outside nature through the window, which can bring joy and reduce motion sickness.

5. Ensure sufficient ventilation inside the vehicle to reduce motion sickness. Opening a window may be helpful.

6. If none of the above works, closing the eyes and resting the head on the shoulder or chest for a while might help. A somewhat meditative state can be beneficial.

There are also some medications effective in treating this problem. If it is known in advance that a child has motion sickness, it is advisable to consult a doctor for advice on medication. Over-the-counter drugs can be effective, but it is better to use them under the guidance of a doctor.

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