How AC Affects Our Body During Full Nighttime Sleep?

Currently, dependence on air conditioning for temperature control is increasing. In extreme heat, people are looking for various ways to survive. Among them, AC and air coolers are one of the main means. Due to the increase in heat flow, air conditioners are now spreading even in suburban and rural areas, but there are also potential health risks associated with them.

Let's find out what changes will occur in your body if you stay in the AC for the whole night or for a long time.

Is it better to sleep with or without AC?

1. Sleeping with the AC on can cause respiratory problems, especially for those who already have existing respiratory problems like asthma or allergies. This can lead to coughing, difficulty breathing, chest congestion, and other respiratory symptoms.

2. If the AC units are not properly maintained, it can cause problems similar to allergies, exacerbating respiratory symptoms.

3. To maintain your body's well-being, the temperature of the AC should be set to a moderate level, and air filters should be cleaned once a week or replaced if damage to reduce allergies.

4. Sleeping with the AC on can reduce the amount of moisture in the air, leading to dry skin and eyes. This can cause dryness, itching, and flakiness of the skin, and prolonged exposure to the dry air from the AC can cause burning sensation and discomfort in the eyes.

5. To alleviate skin and eye problems caused by prolonged exposure to dry air from the AC, a humidifier can be used to increase the moisture level in the room.

6. Sleeping in a cold room with the AC on can lead to muscle stiffness and joint pain, especially if the body is exposed to cold temperatures for a long time.

7. Direct exposure to cold air from the AC can exacerbate arthritis or other muscle-related problems. To prevent muscle stiffness, strain, and joint pain, the temperature of the AC should be set to a comfortable level. The ideal temperature for AC air is between 24 to 26 degrees Celsius.

8. Keeping the AC on all night can increase the risk of respiratory infections as cold air weakens the body's immune response and makes the body more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections.

9. To reduce the risk of respiratory infections, the AC should be kept at a comfortable temperature (24-26 degrees Celsius). Regular hand washing and avoiding contact with sick individuals should also be practiced to boost the immune system. Sleeping with the AC on all night disrupts the natural sleep pattern. Excessively cold temperatures from the AC can cause discomfort at night.

10. To ensure comfortable sleep, the temperature of the AC should be set to a comfortable level. Using white noise machines or earplugs can also help block out noise. It's important to avoid excessive caffeine intake.

11. Sleeping with the AC on can cause allergies in sensitive individuals. If the AC units are not properly maintained, dust and mold can accumulate, leading to allergy problems. Additionally, if the AC is not cleaned regularly, it can lead to AC explosion.

12. Even in controlled temperature environments, allergies can occur if the moisture level is low. To alleviate allergies, a separate high-power air purifier filter can be used in the indoor unit of the AC.

That's all for now. Take care everyone. Let's pray to the God to protect us from this extreme heat in the earth.

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