Alongside exchanging messages, photos, or videos on WhatsApp, many people also make regular audio-video calls. However, during audio-video calls on WhatsApp, if one inspects the IP (Internet Protocol) address, information about the location of the individuals on the other end of the call can be obtained. Consequently, using this feature, hackers carry out cyber attacks by calling unknown individuals and collecting their location information.

To address this issue, WhatsApp has introduced a security feature called "Protect IP Address in Calls". With this feature, one can keep their location information confidential while making audio-video calls on WhatsApp.
The organization WABetaInfo has stated that various features of WhatsApp have been identified and announced. Even though it has not been officially launched, the "Protect IP Address in Calls" feature has been made available for users of the WhatsApp Android and iOS beta versions.
By entering the privacy option of WhatsApp and enabling the 'Protect IP Address in Calls' toggle from Advanced, the IP address of the device can be kept hidden during audio-video calls. As a result, even if desired, hackers will not be able to collect the IP addresses of WhatsApp users and identify their locations.
According to information from WhatsApp, with this new feature, information about audio-video calls will be transmitted using end-to-end encryption just like the current method. Consequently, no one else will be able to access users' information. Due to the "Protect IP Address" feature, it will be very difficult to identify the location of users due to the transfer of calls from one device to another via WhatsApp servers.
However, while using this feature, the quality of audio-video calls may decrease. Very soon, this amazing WhatsApp feature will be made available for all users.

To address this issue, WhatsApp has introduced a security feature called "Protect IP Address in Calls". With this feature, one can keep their location information confidential while making audio-video calls on WhatsApp.
The organization WABetaInfo has stated that various features of WhatsApp have been identified and announced. Even though it has not been officially launched, the "Protect IP Address in Calls" feature has been made available for users of the WhatsApp Android and iOS beta versions.
By entering the privacy option of WhatsApp and enabling the 'Protect IP Address in Calls' toggle from Advanced, the IP address of the device can be kept hidden during audio-video calls. As a result, even if desired, hackers will not be able to collect the IP addresses of WhatsApp users and identify their locations.
According to information from WhatsApp, with this new feature, information about audio-video calls will be transmitted using end-to-end encryption just like the current method. Consequently, no one else will be able to access users' information. Due to the "Protect IP Address" feature, it will be very difficult to identify the location of users due to the transfer of calls from one device to another via WhatsApp servers.
However, while using this feature, the quality of audio-video calls may decrease. Very soon, this amazing WhatsApp feature will be made available for all users.
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