WordPress is so far the simplest and the popular option to create a website, blog, or even a Shopping portal. As of today, 32.5% of the whole Internet websites are powered by WordPress. In simplest terms, we can say one out of four websites are built using WordPress.

In Technical terms, WordPress is an open-source content management system licensed under GPLv2, which means that anyone can use or modify the WordPress software for free. A Content Management system is a set of tools that are used to manage your content on the Internet with a Minimal amount of Technical skillset. WordPress as a Content Management System is popular among the rest.
Whereas, HTML is the core technical component with which WordPress is built. HTML forms the skeleton of any website and Adding CSS and Javascript to it will give the muscles and the life to it. HTML is built on W3C Standards, And the markup language is sensibly structured and easy to understand.
1. Dynamically Managed Content Management System
WordPress platform as a content management platform is a feature-rich, secured, highly customizable, and easily maintainable Content Management system. It allows us to dynamically manage the content that we create and show it to the world.
With its dynamic nature, WordPress is ideal for all kinds of businesses ranging from small to large scale industries. The Content on our website can be managed from anywhere. Any Change in the content will be pushed to the server and published to the end-user with no downtime
2. User-Friendly Personalization
WordPress will be loaded with an administrative console with which we can easily customize our WordPress application. We are able to easily change the font, color, pictures with a click of a button. It also provides the option to create a template and can be reused in multiple places. Templates are a very useful feature in WordPress that can be easily used in case of publishing thousands of contents every day.

Along with the change of look and feel, it also allows us to drag and drop content and move the components and place it anywhere.
We are able to do more than 90% of the customization in WordPress without any technical knowledge. And the rest 10% can be achieved with minimal technical skills
3. Application Security
WordPress is a very active platform and occupies a major part of the Internet. Due to this reason, WordPress is bound to be approached by many attacks. But WordPress has a dedicated security team, who will oversee any security vulnerabilities and provide the developer with quick bug fixes as well the updates to get rid of the security vulnerabilities. From our side, we can have multiple numbers of security plugins, that help us secure our application from any kind of attacks
There are several high-quality security plugins available for WordPress.
• WordFence Security
• Sucuri Security
• iThemes Security
4. A Vibrant Community of Developers
In today's tech world, the developer community plays a vital role in any application development. When we start to use an application, we can’t be so sure the documentation for that application covers all the Questions, Answers, and bugs.
With the help of the Vibrant Developer community, Now WordPress development has become easier and easier. Any question related to the feature, limitation, or best practice has already been discussed or answered. Which actually reduces the huge development forehead. Meanwhile, WordPress is conduction a number of meetups, seminars, certifications to bring the community of developers together.
The WordPress community allows developers to expand their knowledge regardless of their level of experience and join conversations that wouldn’t be possible inside their existing role. Now, we have a large number of custom WordPress development agencies who are actively participating in contributing to the WordPress community.

5. Plugin and Themes
Plugins are the magical components that add huge value to existing websites. The popular WordPress plugins like SEO, Google Analytics, Security, Caching, etc. add huge value to WordPress.
• A particular WordPress site can have zero to n number of plugins in it at a time
• WordPress allows you to extend the feature of your standard application
• Plugins can also be used to convert your application totally into a different language. i.e. Social networking, blogging, etc.
• WordPress plugin are both free and paid
Technically the plugins are just the same PHP, HTML, and JavaScript piece of code, that will work with the existing code to extend its functionality
• A particular WordPress site can have zero to 1 theme in it at a time
• Allows you to change the look and feel of the website
• Controls all front-end styling and markup of your Website
• Themes can be both free and premium
6. Cost-effective web Solution
It is a well-known fact that WordPress is free of cost and there are numerous templates and plugins available which we do not have to pay extra for. With these awesome features, a website can be developed from nowhere by a person without any sound knowledge about coding.
Yet you have to spend a bit to launch the desired WordPress site. Based on the needs and choice of yours, there may be some implicit cost incurred.
Having all the above wonderful features, the WordPress web development agency is now focusing on converting many static HTML websites into WordPress websites.
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